Monday, December 19, 2011


Dear HINARI users,
We are approaching the end of the HINARI calendar year and would like to share with you some news on the information resources now available, recent changes you may have noticed and updates in the forthcoming months for your country:
·       The HINARI portal was refreshed in mid-November. The Full-text journals, databases and other resources page now features separate A-Z lists for journals and books. For the results, two tabs are now used - to show Accessible Content and All Items.  We will be continuing to make further improvements to the HINARI portal in 2012, so keep checking back.
·       Elsevier Books has added approximately 6,000 reference works, individual titles and book series on health, medicine and allied sciences. Most are located in the Find books by title list.
·       Palgrave Macmillan, a global publisher with over 160 years of independent academic publishing, has joined HINARI offering 81 journals, including the Journal of Public Health Policy.
·       Distance Learning Courses & Video Training Series have been added to the HINARI Training Materials page - Health and educational institutions in low-income countries can take advantage of the free e-training materials - to conduct effective scientific literature searches and efficiently use HINARI and other Research4Life programmes. Thanks to the efforts of Duke University, the Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA), Librarians Without Borders, the World Health Organization and several volunteers worldwide.
·       The HINARI Training Materials are updated regularly at New material include modules on E-book Resources for HINARI Users, Evidence-based Practice Resources for HINARI Users and Information Literacy (see Module 7 Additional Resources).
Thank you for your confidence in HINARI.

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